The DFB Sports Court has sentenced Erzgebirge Aue’s Clemens Fandrich to a seven-month ban. The appeal hearing before the Federal Court is now scheduled.
Fandrich had been sent off in the 89th minute of the match against FC Ingolstadt (1:0) on 22 October because assistant referee Roman Potemkin had testified that the player had spat on his right eye. At the hearing on 4 November, the DFB Sports Court had no doubts about Potemkin’s account and subsequently suspended the 30-year-old Auer professional for seven months.
However, Fandrich denies the accusation and has filed an appeal in due time. According to “”, the date for the appeal hearing before the Federal Court has been set for 18 November at the Hermann-Neuberger-Haus in Frankfurt, starting at 1 pm. An oral hearing will take place there. The session will be chaired by Oskar Riedmeyer, the deputy chairman of the DFB Federal Court.