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Voigtmann: “That was really something big”

Unlike many other teams that were in action on Saturday, the German basketball players took part in the Olympic opening ceremony in Paris on Friday evening and only returned to Lille at night. How the DBB players categorize the experience and what worries the national coach had

As a change from waving flags, Uno cards were also used. Draw one, two or four – the German hoopsters also enjoy the colorful card game that is popular with young and old. Some of them demonstrated this during the Olympic opening ceremony on Friday evening on the third boat of the big parade on the Seine.

Maodo Lo reported on Saturday afternoon that one of them had stolen the cards from the German quarters in the Olympic village, which the basketball players, who were initially stationed in Lille, had visited before the ceremony. Theft? “No, no, they were handed out there,” Lo clarified with a grin.

In bed before games before midnight? “There aren’t that many “

The relief was palpable among the DBB players after a very eventful few hours. Would their participation in the opening ceremony and the fact that the German players did not return until around midnight have an impact on the match against the Japanese, who had not traveled to Paris, which was scheduled for 1.30 p.m.? This question was in the air before the game, but after the commanding 97:77 victory it has lost its relevance.

“First of all, I want to see who in the team goes to bed before midnight the night before a game, there won’t be that many,” said Johannes Voigtmann with a grin. “Of course, we had to stand for a while and walk a few distances during the day, and we gained a lot of experiences and impressions. It wasn’t the 100% best preparation for a game,” admitted the vice-captain, but emphasized: “I don’t think everyone who was there regretted it. “

“No regrets for a second” – gratitude for the permission

It was a “huge experience” and the DBB players were lucky to have experienced a large part of the ceremony in the dry. “It was something really, really big. The way it was organized, who came up with it, it was really cool, it was a great atmosphere, despite the bad weather. I haven’t regretted it for a second,” enthused Voigtmann.

The 2.11-meter man played handball until he was a teenager and is a big fan of the Olympics anyway. “I don’t know if the decision would have been different if we’d had France in the first game. But I don’t think so,” said Voigtmann, “because we don’t go to the Olympics every time and only a few people get to experience an event like this. That’s why I’m grateful that our coaching staff and the federation allowed it, because others weren’t allowed to take part at all.” And: “Of course I’m glad that we were able to repay the trust in this way.”

National coach Gordon Herbert and his staff stayed in Lille because only one other member of the men’s basketball squad was allowed on board in addition to the twelve players. Team manager Heikel Ben Meftah was given priority. With the victory behind him, Herbert was satisfied with the whole process – especially because the players had already relieved him in the morning

When Herbert went to bed

“I was a bit worried that they’d forget to set the alarm clock,” said the squad leader with a grin: “But they were all there this morning and generally handled the situation really well. Obviously they had a really good time in Paris, so I’m happy we did it that way.” Herbert had probably slept the most: “I was watching on TV when the German boat went past – and then went to bed.”

Lo, meanwhile, also enjoyed the entire boat parade, after which he headed back to Lille: “It was a bit of a shame for the event that it poured like that, because it was really impressive. It was an incredible experience on the Seine and luckily we didn’t have any rain at the beginning.”

In the eyes of Franz Wagner, there are “better options to prepare for a game”, but the NBA star of the Orlando Magic also emphasized: “It was an experience that you don’t get that often.” He was delighted with the “working victory” against the Japanese on Saturday: “It’s good to start the tournament like this.” Now the full focus is on the second game on Tuesday evening against Brazil.

The evening before, everyone in the hotel will be responsible for their own preparation and the number of hours they sleep

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