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Newcastle supporter spokesman: “It’s not up to us to judge what’s happening politically in Saudi Arabia”

New times are dawning at Newcastle United due to the Saudi takeover. Lee Forster is on the board of the club’s Supporter’s Trust and gives an insight into the emotional world in an interview with kicker.

It’s been 94 years since the last championship, the last title was the 1969 Fairs Cup, but new times are soon to dawn at Newcastle United, the proud club in the north-east of England. After much toing and froing, the Premier League has now allowed the takeover, primarily by a sovereign wealth fund from Saudi Arabia. Lee Forster is on the board of the club’s Supporter’s Trust and is doubly happy: on the one hand, about all the money from the new owners and, on the other, about the fact that Mike Ashley’s reign is over after 14 years. The billionaire boss of a sporting goods company was always too frugal for the Magpies’ supporters, which culminated in constant protests and also two relegations.

The new owners are a consortium 80 per cent controlled by the Public Investment Fund (PIF) of Saudi Arabia, which has assets of a mind-boggling 300 billion euros. Amanda Staveley, who negotiated the purchase, says the Premier League is convinced that the state of Saudi Arabia is not the controlling owner of the club. Hard to believe, after all, the overall chairman of the fund is Mohammed bin Salman, the monarchy’s notorious crown prince, allegedly responsible for the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul.

Ten per cent of the consortium is also owned by Staveley’s PCP Partners and another ten per cent by billionaire brothers David and Simon Reuben, they are Britain’s second richest family. Forster, the elected fan representative, talks about the new bosses, but the supporters do not see the human rights situation in Saudi Arabia as their issue.

Welcome the new owners of Newcastle United?

Absolutely! A recent poll of Supporter’s Trust members showed that nearly 94 per cent of us were in favour of the takeover by the consortium. There was overwhelmingly positive reaction from supporters in the hours following the deal, which is one reason why there were around 5000 people spontaneously outside St James’ Park on Thursday night.

Aren’t you afraid that the soul of your football club is being sold for good?

To be successful in domestic and European football today, clubs unfortunately have to have very wealthy owners. This may well be the case with the new owners of Newcastle United, but we firmly believe that our incredible fan base will not allow the history and culture of our proud working class club to be undermined by this unprecedented wealth.

But at the same time you are happy to get rid of Mike Ashley?

Of course. From the outset, the relationship between Mike Ashley and the fans was fractured, evidenced by falling attendances, but also by the fact that many previously passionate fans supported the club apathetically at best. Now our club feels “united” again – and this can only mean good things for the future of Newcastle United.

“Mike Ashley has repeatedly trampled on the tradition of our club. “


Why were you so unhappy with Ashley?

Under him, Newcastle United was not a club with the primary aim of improving in the table – instead it was run purely as a business. And as a business that was constantly run at the expense of investing in players.

Currently your club is in 19th place.

Yes, that is the result of his “financial benefactions”. Moreover, Mike Ashley has repeatedly trampled on the tradition of a club that has been the heartbeat of our city for almost 140 years. Such as when he decided to rename St James’ Park “The Sports Direct Arena”. This was done without consultation and was a blatant attempt to maximise his personal business through our club history.

Some legends were also put off.

Yes, Alan Shearer, Kevin Keegan and Jonas Gutierrez were all used by Ashley for his own purposes during his tenure. Two of them successfully sued him in court.

“Right now we are just enjoying the feeling of having our club back!”


What do you expect now from the Saudi Arabia-led ownership?

Anyway, no new additions for 100 million euros in January for the time being. We at the Supporter’s Trust expect our new ownership to be open to supporter engagement and act in the best interests of Newcastle United at all times.

Will your club soon be on a par with Manchester City?

Of course that’s the dream of all Newcastle United fans, who haven’t had success for far too long, but we have to go step by step and try to rebuild our club from scratch. At the moment we’re just enjoying the feeling of having our club back!

And the human rights situation in Saudi Arabia doesn’t matter to you?

It is not for us to judge the political happenings in that country and we will not comment further. The new owners have passed the Premier League’s Owners and Directors Test. So please the league officials are the right people to contact for this.

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