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Neid hopes for “hype like 2011”

Germany is bidding together with Belgium and the Netherlands to host the 2027 Women’s World Cup. For the DFB, former national coach Silvia Neid is the “face” of the campaign.

Silvia Neid is thrilled: “I think it’s a really nice story,” says the former national coach about the World Cup bid for 2027. “It’s never happened before that three people apply for a World Cup.” Neid can also be seen in the accompanying video that the DFB made together with the Dutch and Belgian football associations. The video features three legends of women’s football from these three nations. In addition to Silvia Neid, they are the Dutch national coach Sarina Wiegman and Belgium’s record goal scorer Femke Maes.

Team spirit during filming in Eindhoven

“It immediately triggered such a team spirit in me,” Neid says about the filming in Eindhoven. “I had also immediately agreed to be there. When I was asked, I felt very honoured.” Now she hopes that the three countries will also get the nod for the world tournament in seven years. “For any of the three nations, it would be a boost for women’s football. People will be talking about this event for a very long time beforehand. And that can only be good for women’s football. At the moment, I have the feeling that interest in women’s football in Germany is stagnating,” says the 56-year-old, who became world champion in 2003 in the USA as co-coach and in 2007 in China as head coach. She now hopes that there will be a “hype like in 2011” when the World Cup was held in Germany and women’s football boomed, especially in the media. “That was bombastic,” recalls the then national coach.

“I think we have really good talent “

However, the German team did not win the desired and expected title, they were eliminated in the quarter-finals in Wolfsburg against the future world champions Japan. “We lacked the looseness in 2011. But it was still a great World Cup,” says Silvia Neid looking back. “I just hope that the team will be better able to deal with public expectations in the future.” In sporting terms, she attests to the DFB team’s great prospects: “I think we have really good talent. I’m positive about the future.” The only thing missing is the bid for the 2027 World Cup.

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