Friday, December 27, 2024
HomeFootball"Lack of urgency": Court rejects Qatar application at Bayern

“Lack of urgency”: Court rejects Qatar application at Bayern

In the run-up to this year’s general meeting of FC Bayern, a motion with regard to the Qatar sponsorship of the record champion is causing heated discussions. At least next Thursday, however, the club will probably not have to deal with it.

Actually, Bayern fan Michael Ott wanted to put an end to the controversial Qatar sponsorship of his favourite club at the upcoming annual general meeting, but it won’t come to that. FC Bayern did not respond to the 28-year-old’s request and the initiators’ application for a temporary injunction was rejected by the Munich District Court on Friday evening.

“The reasoning of the AG Munich is not directed against the Qatar application per se. It is only based on the fact that there is no sufficient urgency,” Ott let it be known via Twitter. Ott does not want the debate about the end of the sponsorship with the Emirate of Qatar to end there, however, and announced: “It’s going into the next round.”

One possibility still remains, as suggested by the court: “One could simply make a spontaneous motion at the AGM.” For Ott and his fellow campaigners, however, this is not a viable option. A spontaneous motion would need a 75 per cent majority of the members to be admitted. “That reduces the chances of success extremely,” says Ott: “The FCB would then have a free pass to massively obstruct or block all inconvenient motions in the future.



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