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Kramer: “We always have Fabian Klos in mind”

“After the game is always before the game”, in this case after Mainz is before Mainz for Bielefeld. After the hot cup fight at FSV, the league duel awaits on Saturday against the Rheinhessen side. Will coach Frank Kramer rely on Fabian Klos?

“We have to show a now-first-right mentality,” said Kramer after the bitter 2:3 after extra time in Mainz. Arminia already have the chance for a quick revenge on Saturday, when Mainz come to town in the league.

“We have to be more alert and energetic in front of our own goal, and we have to be more consistent in front of the opponent’s goal,” said Kramer, who sees room for improvement, especially since his team had “many chances” but “also gave away a lot”. “We saw how quickly they can trigger something when they switch. Our antennae have to be out. As soon as the door opens for them, they’re there. “

“It’s a matter of going against it, standing up, showing up and getting the better end on our side on Saturday. “


That is what Kramer and his team want to prevent, especially as the situation in the league would slowly become precarious for the East Westphalians, who are still winless after nine games, if they lose. “It’s a matter of fighting it, standing up, showing ourselves and getting the better end on our side on Saturday,” said Kramer.

His “boys are all fired up,” Kramer explained, “but only eleven can play.” The DSC coach left it open whether Fabian Klos would be among them from the start. “Fabian Klos is always on our minds when it comes to the starting eleven. He is an important player with a good reputation in the team,” emphasised Kramer, who had only used the experienced attacker as a wild card in the last three competitive games. And he praised him for his performance on Tuesday night: “When he came on in Mainz, he was fresh, had a blast and didn’t have to worry about how long he would last.” And he fired Arminia into extra time with his late equaliser.

A question mark only behind Brunner

When it comes to the line-up, Kramer wants to “wait and see what the condition of the players is who gave everything for 120 minutes in this intense game.” Only Cedric Brunner, who was already absent in Mainz, is a question mark. The defender, who has been in the starting eleven in all nine league games so far, has problems with his tendon.

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