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Fighting the ups and downs: What gives Xabi Alonso hope before the showdown

In the previous season, Bayer 04 impressed with its strong defense. However, this is not currently stable. Before the summit in Munich, coach Xabi Alonso had the last chance before the winter break to work intensively on this problem. Was there enough time?

The roles seem to have been reversed. In the most recent encounter between the two sides, Bayer 04, who had the strongest defense in the league, faced FC Bayern, who, although hungry for goals themselves, had conceded a series of goals. The result on February 10 was a perfect reflection of the situation: Leverkusen won 3-0 against Munich, who had literally no chance.

Seven months later, Xabi Alonso’s team have now conceded nine goals after four match days, whereas Munich, with three goals conceded, statistically have the best defense in the league. And in view of the fluctuating performances in the defensive movement, not only Leverkusen’s coach is aware of the difficulty of the task on Saturday in the Allianz Arena.

“We face a big challenge,” says the Spaniard, ‘to show our best level.’ What seemed consistently easy last season is currently a little more difficult. That’s why the football coach reminded his professionals again this week of the basics of his game. ”We showed the players what our standards are – with and against the ball. We need that in Munich, but also throughout the season. If we don’t defend well, it’s difficult to win games. We want to be consistent, we want to maintain our level and not have any ups and downs.”

Xabi Alonso is not having any of the latter. The Basque relies on maximum control of the game, whether with or without the ball. “For that, we need high concentration for 95 minutes,” he demands, “we have to stick together as a team even in bad moments, which can happen if Bayern go full throttle for ten or 15 minutes. That will happen. We have to be ready for that too.”

The problem: Bayer is inconsistent

He has been working hard on this with his team this week. The soft tackling in the 4-3 win over Wolfsburg is to be improved by better interaction between the individual players. This is not only an issue for the defenders, but for the whole team. “We want to be compact. Pressing higher or lower together at the right moment,” emphasizes the coach, ‘because if we’re soft in the duels, if the distances between the players are too great, it’s very difficult to play in Munich.’

The problem for Xabi Alonso and his coaching staff: Bayer is acting inconsistently. ”We did a bit better in Hoffenheim and in Rotterdam. We were a bit soft again against Wolfsburg,” the Basque analyzes. Although none of the games were free of wobbles. But Xabi Alonso sees at least one reason why Leverkusen could be more stable again in Munich.

This week was the last chance to work intensively

“We had the whole week to work,” says the 42-year-old, citing a crucial aspect, ‘and that was good for us. After the last game, we had our priorities, what we were focusing on, what we were working on. And we had time to train on the pitch and show it on video.’ Now the measures have to show an effect.

In Munich, but not only then. After that, Xabi Alonso and his assistants will hardly have the opportunity to work on tactical matters due to the ongoing English weeks. Which was sorely needed this week so that the role reversal is not manifested on Saturday in Munich.

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