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Disappointing TV ratings for Nations League final

Around 3.25 million people watched the Nations League final between France and Spain on ARD on Sunday. A market share of 11.8 per cent, which is about half of the otherwise broadcast “Tatort”.

Sunday evening at 20.45 it was time: France and Spain played the second final of the young Nations League competition. On paper, an attractive pairing that actually offered top-class sporting entertainment with a better outcome for the Grande Nation, especially in the second round. Nevertheless, the interest of the viewers in front of the television sets was very limited. As ARD reported on Monday, only about 3.25 million people watched the title decision. This would correspond to a market share of about 11.8 per cent.

A disappointing result, as the “Tatort”, which is usually shown at this time, usually generates more than twice as many viewers. But even within football, the figures are not impressive. In the summer of this year, 20.9 million people watched the final of the European Championship between Italy and England. So the lack of German participation cannot be blamed for the viewers’ lack of interest.

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