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Augsburg: Hoping for Finnbogason

Goal scorer Florian Niederlechner is out for a longer period of time after his adductor operation. Augsburg are eagerly awaiting the return of Alfred Finnbogason, who is also injured. That could happen soon.

FCA has been struggling with various problems and issues since the beginning of the season, many of which are injury-related. Florian Niederlechner’s adductor operation, which has become necessary, is the next high point – or low point, depending on your point of view – of the bad news regarding personnel this season.

Markus Weinzierl explained that it is not clear how long the goal scorer will be out of action. “That remains to be seen. It will take at least three or four weeks,” said the coach, who saw the intervention as the last chance for Niederlechner to recover soon. “He played with pain all the time last time and still made himself available. Now it was no longer possible. That’s why we decided and for the surgery. “

What about Finnbogason?

When asked who should compensate for the absence, the 46-year-old did not reveal any individual personnel. “We have to shoulder that as a team,” said the head coach, who also has Alfred Finnbogason in mind. With the Icelander, “things are moving forward slowly. But we all know his story and we won’t put any pressure on him”.

Weinzierl is alluding to the international’s recurring injury problems. Especially this season. “He was fit for six weeks in preparation, then gets a knock in the cup game. It was actually already cured. But after the Heidenheim game, the Achilles tendon was added.”

Nevertheless, Weinzierl hints that he does not rule out Finnbogason’s return in the near future. With a view to next weekend’s game against Bielefeld, something might be possible. Until today, the striker was still training individually. “If he gets in on Monday, he would be a candidate. We’ll see if it’s enough. “

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